As a personal sacrifice, I decided to eat a sucker my parents sent to me. Now, many of you may wonder "what kind of sacrifice is that, that's CANDY!" Well, I'm here to tell you, that the sacrifice was my teeth. They turned red! That's right folks, I turned from a regular white toothed person, to a vampirish looking of a fellow! I think I'll let you take a look at the pics...
And as a side note, I want you to NOT notice the red nose recently burned while visiting a touristic site called Chan Chan, the biggest adobe ancient ruins in the world. But that's aside the point, let's look at the photos now...
BEFORE (How nice...):

That's me with the white teeth (and the red nose which, of course, is not to be mentioned of).
That's nice, eh? Now lets take a look at the NEXT picture...

Not so cool, eh? Well, now that they're stained this way, I get all these funny stares! Why? "Why baby, Why!?" (Name that movie - it's from a remake we did like a couple years ago...)
Teeth did not stay this color. This post was maybe a little exaggerated. Go figure, Elder Buck, exaggerating? Yeah right.